Let’s face it how many of us do understand the careers that lie behind digital marketing. You could become a SEO professional, PCC specialists, content manager, UX Designers & Developers and much more. One of the career options I am going to talk about is a SEO professional.  Don’t worry I got it all covered…

For any person who has an inquisitiveness for writing, finds it really easy to draft out a blog or even an article. But a simple programmer won’t feel the same when it comes to writing a blog. Being hesitant to start a blog because you just can’t think of any good topics to write about,…

We all know how it feels to work alone. Some prefer to work alone, and some don’t. I personally prefer working in a team. But working in a team isn’t enough if there isn’t any communication between teammates. One thing I realised is that for the team to work better and more productively, we need…

SQL-Structured Query Language is a special-purpose programming language designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS). NoSQL (“non-SQL” or “non-relational”) database provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modelled by means other than the tabular…

I have always been interested in programming, and was keen to work in a software firm, where I would get to learn new things about computer software and use it for software development. I always consider having a job as a way of having extra cash for one’s expense.  It makes one feel independent. Personally,…

API stands for ‘application programming interface’. Let me break this for you – “Application”, if you have a smart phone, you are well acquainted with what applications are, i.e., the tools, games, social media and other software that we use every day. “Programming”, Programming is how engineers create all the software that make our lives…

The e-mail said “Congratulations your selected”, “Not so surprising” that’s how I reacted. But won’t forget that day because of that friend who prayed, Wednesday, 8th June 2016, all the good news exploded like a grenade. Walked in the office with my attested copies, My mind reminded me that this was the opportunity to seize….

It is said life is not just a bed of roses. It’s not uncommon one finds thorns in one’s life journey. As an adult investing time in ourselves for our healthy may not be an easy task. Regardless of whether it’s a 9-to-6 job, a night-shift or a stay-at-home job; there’s no excuse that can be…