Landing Pages
Landing Pages

Before we actually get on to landing pages, here is an important statement. ‘Never. Start. A. Marketing. Campaign. Without. A. Dedicated. Landing. Page.’

In online/digital marketing, a landing page is referred to as the page on which the user lands on after clicking an online marketing call-to-action. This click could be a search engine results page or through an ad. The landing page will usually be a logical extension to the directed sales copy of the advertisement, search result or link. Lead generation is one of the most important functions carried out by landing pages. Upon reaching the landing page, the actions user decides to take determines the conversion rate for the website.

A landing page is different from the main website and its other pages which is designed with a focused objective in mind. The website is designed to give an idea of the overall brand and presents various options for the user to choose from. A landing page, on the other hand, is focused on one objective. This means that there shouldn’t be any global navigation to tie it to the primary website. This helps in limiting the options available to the end users and driving them towards your intended goals of conversion.

There are two types of landing pages:

  1. Click Through Landing Page.

These pages are designed with the goal to persuade users to click through the website to another page. Usually used by e-commerce sites, these types of pages normally describe the product and offer insufficient detail so as to “warm up” a visitor to the point where they are closer to making a purchasing decision.

  1. Lead Generation Landing Pages.

Lead Generation Landing pages are used to capture user data like name and email address. This data can then be used in the future to connect with the users and market promotional offers and new product launches. As such, a lead capture page usually contains a form asking for your personal data and a description of what you will receive in return.

“Message Match” is an important factor for the success of landing pages. It is the ability of the landing pages to enforce the information presented on the link or ad that was clicked to reach the page. Most visitors are impatient and tend to leave them immediately if the website does not reinforce the stated information. Conversely, reinforcing the link headline and providing valuable information can lead to excellent conversion rates.

The main benefit of having a landing page is that it greatly increases the conversion rate. For any company launching a new service or a product, it is highly advisable to use a landing page for all the right reasons.  A well-designed landing page, having a specific objective behind it, does a better job at conversion then a conventional website homepage.


Pranav Raut Dessai

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