SSl Certificate
Why SSL? The Purpose of using SSL Certificate

SSL is the standard security measure for setting up an encrypted connection between a web server and a browser. An SSL certificate guarantees that all information which goes between the web server and the browser remains private.

If you land on a webpage that has a form after that form is filled-in and you hit ‘Submit’, the data you just entered can be captured by a hacker on an unsecured website.

This data could be anything from details on a bank exchange, to high-level data you enter to register for an offer. In programmer lingo, this “interception” is often referred to as a “man-in-the-middle attack”. A hacker embeds a tiny, undetected listening program on the server hosting a site. That program stays in the background until the point that a guest begins entering data on the site, and it will activate to begin capturing the data and after that send it back to the hacker.

But, when you visit a site that is encrypted with SSL, your browser will form a connection with the web-server, take a look at the SSL certificate, and bind the server and the browser together. This binding connection is secure with the goal that nobody other than you and the website you’re submitting the data to can see or access what you type into your browser.

With the latest Google update, if your website does not have an SSL certificate, it will affect the Google ranking for your website. Google is pushing towards making the internet a more secure place for everyone using it.

This connection happens in a second, and in reality, many suggest it is currently quicker than a connection to an unsecured website. You just need to visit a website with SSL, and your connection will automatically be secured.

SSL certificates may cost a little extra, which can be troubling to small firms, but if you want to establish an online presence, it is becoming increasingly important. The internet can be a scary place and most visitors are looking for a reason not to trust a website.

Sambert Rodrigues

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