CSS using Keyframes
CSS Animation Using Keyframes

Most websites nowadays use animations. Animation on the website enhances the website’s look and creates an interactive platform for the users. CSS animations can be in the form of GIFs, SVGs, background videos, etc.

CSS animations can be used to animate css style property. An Animation contains two elements: a block of CSS and a group of keyframes that indicate the beginning and end state of the animation’s style.

Animations have evolved over time, and listed below are the three key benefits of CSS animations over ancient script-driven animation techniques:

  • Using animations without the help of JavaScript.
  • The animations run well, even under moderate system load. Straight-forward and simple animations will typically perform poorly in JavaScript. Therefore, frame-skipping and alternative techniques are used by the rendering engine to achieve better performance.
  • The browser manages the animation sequence and optimises performance and productivity. This is how the browser reduces the update frequency of animations running in tabs that are not in use.
  • To create a CSS animation sequence, you conceptualise and design what you would like to animate with the animation property. This allows you to set up the time sequence, duration, and alternative details of how you want the animation to run. This configuration has no link to the actual look of the animation. This can be achieved by using or defining @keyframes.


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    Following are the attributes of an animation property:

    Describes the name of the animation, @keyframes at-rule, depicting the activity’s keyframes.

    Specifies the duration taken to complete the animation.

    Configures the duration of the animation: How the animation transitions through keyframes by establishing acceleration curves.

    Configures the delay between the time on the loaded part and the start of the animation sequence.

    Configures the amount of time the animation ought to repeat; you will need to specify infinite to repeat the animation indefinitely.

    Configures whether the animation should alternate direction on every run through the sequence or reset to the beginning purpose and repeat itself.

    Configures what unit is applied by the animation before and once it is executed.

    Allows you to pause and resume the animation sequence.

    CSS animations are definitely not only better from an optimisation perspective, but they also provide a bit more control as they allow for the creation of multiple keyframes over which the animation occurs.






    CSS Keyframes:

    CSS Keyframes

    Ricky Noronha

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