Most of the developers make use of CSS float and clearfix property to get a proper multi-column design layout. Developers still use these properties as they work and have great browser support among a variety of browsers. Sometimes you can run into issues like adding unnecessary containers, having absolute positioned children in relative positioned parents…

In recent decades, advancements in personal digital assistants and clinical research have shown how far it has come from the traditional methods. Healthcare is likely to be the one market which can positively affect human lives. Learning algorithms can become more accurate, allowing humans to gain insights into treatment variability, patient outcomes, care processes, and…

Earlier, Adobe Creative Cloud didn’t have a tool or an application for designers on which they could create quick prototypes and get team feedback or send it to the client before creating the final UI design. Since designers were finding it difficult to design prototype layouts, Adobe has come up with a brand new product…

In software development, every application is rigorously tested before being handed over to the client/end user. To ensure it is free of bugs and works seamlessly, several types of software testing are undertaken, making sure any code changes made to the application work as expected. Testing is an extremely important step in the software development…

As we all know, websites are a very important part of any business as they either create a good or bad impression of the products and services offered by a company. Keeping this point in mind, a site should always be user friendly and easy to use and understand. Site performance optimization is a key…

You want to lose weight? Try yoga, you don’t have to go to the gym. Oh, you should not do too much diet, you will become weak. This was some of the advice I got from people when they heard I had joined a gym to lose weight. But I did not listen to anybody….